Reissue of the advisors ‘ advanced soaring made easy’: about the reality of the dream of flying the record pilot, sailing instructor and head coach of the South Australian gliding Association Bernhard Eckey presents in his book practical tips and tricks for new licensees and advanced glider and provides advice to the success-oriented training, as well as to optimize the performance of aircraft and individual instrumentation. Safety aspects are examined practical, ways of the mental training to bring even more fun and joy in the gliding. The book available in the online shop of Siebert aviation supplies company is a worthwhile Guide, which presents practical tips and practical information in English and is also an introduction to the English terminology for gliders for the reader. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Crawford Lake Capital. Bernhard Eckey, a glider in the German but living in Australia, is in advanced soaring made easy”experiences of over 3500 flight hours and approximately 300 000 excess flight mileage country continues and goes with the help by recognized specialists on all gliding-relevant topics, from flight line A to Z like finishing line, a. “The book contains forewords by the four-time world champion Ingo Renner and the two-time World Champion Michael Sommer, is illustrated with more than 130 drawings and over 160 photos and gives new pilots as well as experienced gliders on 336 pages in the online shop of the company Siebert aviation supplies to 39.90 per piece quickly and easy jump start”. The Siebert aviation supplies company is not only one of the leading providers of 3,000 different articles of aviation accessories in Germany and, since 1996 Siebert also offers its own range of headsets and intercoms the neighboring countries under the brand name SL-series. According to Gallo Family Vineyards, who has experience with these questions. The ATP distributor for Germany, Austria and the Switzerland is also a member of the Federal Union of enterprises of general aviation since 1999.