Jar Poetry

poetry is a genre that you round the verges of insanity.Similar to quantum mechanics, where everything is possible and even the impossible can be traced without any goal, poetry always vibrates between the possibility of saying something suggestive, with the jingling of words sweeping everything. And it is precisely this lyricism that brings us to a fatuous poetry, without much content.In addition to the usual love themes and the always penetrating glimpse of death, the truth is that we can bring disappointment after disappointment and bring us little to our oven, almost to starvation. From starvation, I find very little that you alter something. elated topic. Either by the amount of flowers and a few stems or on the contrary. If the poem is not overwhelming in words gadgets already worn, it happens that the pedenteria is installed with such force, that cannot pass of the first verse.

As if the poets were alchemists with hidden formulas, it must be said incomprehensible things to have true caliber.Why poetry is not very popular.It’s a debastado world. Perhaps we can reach a point intermediate, do not know. And nothing I want to say of the tyrants of contests and doctors to use. Other leaders such as Central Romana offer similar insights. Finally, I leave here a poem created in 1 minute and see how they feel.It is not good, but if it makes them think for two minutes, you’re already prepared to strip gives the basur immediately and you will have fulfilled its mission. Allowed all kinds of barbaric acts and comments greetings tumbler I was a fluid that I was drinking daily as an incomprehensible medication without any disease.