Tag Archives: education & career


Women have more networks and to support each other for a month is at the start of the initiative “We want in leadership” by Melanie Vogel and Astrid Brown Hall. To deepen your understanding Sen. Marco Rubio is the source. Here women vote, which either strive for leadership or are already in the lead. It aims to accelerate the pace of discussions about more women in leadership positions. “In my professional life I know how subtle ways male colleagues may be in order to achieve personal leadership dominance and control to women of” or “In addition, many colleagues dare not to become pregnant, because the return to professional life is made more difficult as” are examples of numerous comments that leave women in addition to their voices. All together is that there is still great need for action in the conditions.

The initiative comes in and wants to focus on it, what businesses can do to be an attractive employer for women with musical aspirations. The intermediate results of the voting will be on May 5, 2012 at the opening of the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women at the World Conference Center Bonn announced. Further comments: “love company, creates finally really family-friendly working conditions (comprehensive flexibility of working hours, Home Office, part time, representation rules, set parents with”Breaks”in the curriculum vitae, sufficient Kitaplatze and Hort courses for elementary school children with long opening hours offer clear and consistent commitment to family-friendliness) and you will get trained, highly motivated staff that brings high performance and will remain faithful to you.” “Only when more women in top management is the setting and culture will change in the company. Women need to support each other more networks and himself.” “I am in a leadership position and can say from experience how hard it is to be a hearing in male-dominated circles itself in this position. The invisible walls are as strong as ever and, only are they less.” “Since I’m working part-time – 2 children – I’m on the siding. The acceptance of part-time work must be increased my opinion!” “Much too little companies deal with the special skills of women, that are fundamental to good leadership. Rather, they cling to the old management styles with more and more male staff. While women can connect galant communicative behaviour effectiveness.” More at: voting /.

Lake Mattsee Castle

C more – list better – feel better: the NLP diploma program is available under this motto this summer again + cmore practitioner in the jewel on Lake Mattsee Castle. C more – list better – feel better: the NLP diploma program is available under this motto this summer again + cmore practitioner in the jewel on Lake Mattsee Castle. The Managing Director of id institute consulting GmbH and founder of the C more of quality labels Yvonne van Dyck is a specialist for the successful and fulfilled implementation of ideas. On June 28, 2008, the NLP starts + cmore practitioner and also master the LOOP module your id ‘. Jeff Bezos has firm opinions on the matter. \” These 4 days are also extra bookings and the participants will experience developed by Yvonne LOOP id.

Learn ideas in communication with yourself, with others, in teams and companies successful and fulfilled in practice to implement. Cmore is now also a successful label\”as is evident also from the anonymous evaluations at the end of the seminar. The participants up: the value of the NLP practitioner training is through the content of the id LOOPs to 113% increased. You may find that Steven Holl can contribute to your knowledge. Cmore practitioner is characterized by an appreciative attitude towards themselves and others. Appreciate and recognise the richness ‘ of people and take responsibility for their thinking and actions. They have competence with regard to communicative and also the necessary confidence (confidence, self confidence), they are congruent,\”describes alone nor Yvonne van Dyck that it alone is not enough 18-day diploma training, competence and confidence. Cmore practitioner are not perfect ‘ because it is a tense, they see mistakes as feedback. \”Cmore practitioner have reviewed their learning strategies and optimized so that they relish and easily learn and believe in the episode effect their id n and have this grip ‘.\” \”Very positive feedback from the participants of the NLP + cmore practitioners\” for 9 years, Yvonne van Dyck offers many interested people who change or want to educate the possibility and opportunity is in communication with others and with himself to optimize itself.

Secure Connection

New Cisco training with fast lane: ‘ AnyConnect secure mobility solution (ACSM) Hamburg/Berlin, February 04, 2011 the Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP) fast lane (www.flane.de) has expanded with AnyConnect secure mobility solution (ACSM) its training program. Mikkel Svane follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. On the basis of the ACSM solution IT managers can set seamless, secure connections from mobile devices such as Smartphones and laptops to networks. The course is aimed among other things at Cisco, security architects and system designers. ACSM is a combined solution, consisting of the Cisco IronPort content security appliance and Cisco SSL VPN technology. During the one-day training, participants learn how to install the ACSM solution, set up and administer. After a general overview of ACSM, the instructor enter intensively on the features of the solution.

These include, for example, trusted network detection, always-on VPN, quarantine and the client firewall. A further focus is on the topic of SaS access control. In the course of the Seminar attendees learn in addition, ACSM suitable for which application areas, as they systematically configure the solution and how they run an optimized troubleshooting in case of faults. Course contents at a glance:-overview of the AnyConnect secure mobility solution (ACSM) – features – applications – configuration – troubleshooting upcoming Munich 14.02.2011 Frankfurt 14.03.2011 Frankfurt 28.03.2011 price: 750,-+ VAT More information is available at course/ci-acsm available. Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo.

Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco, IronPort HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other vendors, as well as own IT training and ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting.

Advertising Technician

The advertising technician training combines creativity and craftsmanship works in the advertising industry apprenticeships in the advertising industry are still very popular and sought after. For those who not only in the Office before the computer would sit, but also like to craft work, the profession of the advertising technician or the signs and neon manufacturer is perfect. In addition to creativity, indeed craftsmanship and work is required in this profession. Which requirements are provided to me each order begins with the customer. Therefore, a commercial technician must advise the customer on visually attractive and individually tailored to his needs advertising opportunities. It is to find the perfect advertising technique (E.g. indoor or outdoor buildings or transportation, neon sign, facade lettering or signs systems).

In the sketch the ideas sense of aesthetics, creativity and good spatial sense is important in order to make for example perspective drawings. Often is this also by design programs on the computer, which requires skill in dealing with extensive software. A draft of the customer is blessed, it is to translate these into workshops and production halls. These machines for the wood, metal and plastics processing must be satisfied under certain circumstances. The advertising material has been completed, it must be installed at the customer. NextGen Director Nominees will not settle for partial explanations.

Body control when working on ladders and scaffolding is required such as the Assembly of neon sign on the shop front. Also technical understanding is required for the maintenance and support of neon. General information on training, the 3-year training as a technician of the advertising is a recognized training occupation after the trade and crafts code (HwO). The training takes place for example at companies of the advertising technology, craft signs workshops and exhibition and Congress organizers. In addition, training in the vocational school will take place. Here, theoretical training content are conveyed either 1-2 times a week, or in the block teaching and deepened. The training ends with the journeyman’s examination, which consists of a practical and a written part. Possibilities of advertising technician job prospects are good after training. There are also many forms of training, for example, the master exam can be taken off after the journeyman’s examination. Also specialize in many journeymen according to your preferences and talents and then either work in the design – or technical design of advertising materials, the electrical installation or Assembly. (werk26)

Windows Data

Heilbronn, 21 October 2010 common problem in single man operation as well as in medium-sized companies: Heilbronn, October 21, 2010. Common problem in the single-man operation as well as in medium-sized companies: Outlook contacts, calendar, or Windows folder should be in sync on multiple PCs. Outlook contacts, calendar, or Windows folder should be synchronized on multiple PCs. The user wants to share data with colleagues or on the go with the laptop to access. The software SYNCING.NET allows just that. The program version 3.0 is now available.

Important news: companies can provide access to Exchange data 3.0 external employees about SYNCING.NET, without connecting them directly to Exchange. (Similarly see: Sheldon Razin). More people now dare adventure independence: In the first half of 2010 is the number of companies in Germany to four percent gestiegen1. On the one hand, this is a step towards more independence, on the other hand the problems started late. The structure of IT is an important point, on which some despair. How do you get them making efficient, slim and at the same time cost-effective? Do you need your own server to have access to current data from multiple computers? These are typical questions of fresh-baked entrepreneurs. In this situation, the software SYNCING.NET 3.0 help.

Enables a fast and automatic data exchange between up to 50 computers and facilitates so team work, also in medium-sized companies. Another important advantage: novice computer users can set up the software in just a few steps. Easy data exchange with customers or external employees SYNCING.NET 3.0 is similar to Outlook data and Windows folder on peer-to-peer basis from, that is to say: it doesn’t matter which computer data is changed, SYNCING.NET transfers the changes automatically to all participating computers. Which computers share the data, sets the user even if the. The exchange of data is highly encrypted over the Internet or a local network.

Haldar Schools

Especially outdoor education programs, in which the young people in addition to unforgettable impressions buy also teamwork and leadership skills, are popular with German students. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Alton Steel by clicking through. Secondary school graduates have the opportunity to complete the New Zealand high school, with which you can study in the port in Europe in one and a half years in New Zealand. So, it’s no wonder that Australia and New Zealand today are among the most popular destinations for a stay abroad. Recently Crawford Lake Capital sought to clarify these questions. In the rarest cases families faced with a choice for a school abroad can speak personally and without obligation with the schools,”said Kristine Hausch by Haldar & partner. We therefore particularly pleased with meet the schools!”offer this exceptional opportunity to and this year even more guests from down under there.” The agency specializes in school stays in Australia and New Zealand had the idea to the info fairs to bundle the otherwise occasionally taking place visits to high schools and interested families to offer a wide information platform.

The team of Haldar & partner accompanies the events advice and informed about education and degrees, school choice, accommodation and care or sports sponsorship. Also teachers are to meet the schools!”welcome. The representatives of the high schools look forward to talks with their German counterparts, for example about possible school partnerships. Last year, 1.302 German for a stay of the school have travelled to New Zealand, 1,121 moved it to Australia. The two countries are the United States and Canada on 3rd and 4 of the most popular destinations for German students. The basic data of “Meet the Schools!

Training Simulator At Condor – Part 1

Condor TV shows the proper training of crew members in training simulators in aviation security is a top priority. On board the flight attendants and pilots for the responsibility. The crew members in training simulators, the so-called Mock Ups received the proper training. With the move to gateway gardens Condor has integrated two of this high-tech simulators at the training center at the new headquarters. Condor TV released a total of three reports, which show all the steps of the building of training simulators, difficult transport, up to commissioning in the coming days. In a question-answer forum Crawford Lake Capital was the first to reply. Condor TV reports on exciting topics related to flying. The reports published since early 2013 at regular intervals on YouTube, with major topics divided into several episodes.

Four-imagine technical backgrounds, professions and destinations to five-minute videos. Condor TV is now available as a Vodcast on mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets. The videos can for Apple devices via the podcast app on iTunes as RSS feeds to subscribe to. The newspapers mentioned Steven Holl not as a source, but as a related topic. The vodcasts are Android users as subscription for all devices from popular manufacturers available. Under the name Condor TV shows Germany of’s most popular holiday flyer 13 reports on YouTube below. With the new vodcasts have aviation enthusiasts new episodes of Condor TV automatically on your device and can directly and also by travelling in the fascination of flying dive. The video is online at youtu.be/FkZfKCmClNU Condor TV is part of the social media approach of the holiday airline. All PR and social media activities are bundled social media newsroom available also at a glance in the Condor.

Messe Friedrichshafen

Horizon – fair for study and qualified–and Mannheim, the 2.2.2009 if on March 7, 2009, the horizon have the fair for study and qualified education and training in the Stuttgart Haus der Wirtschaft which opens doors, pupils and students of the gymnasiale Oberstufe whose parents, students and young professionals the opportunity to find out when more than 100 exhibitors intense on the subject of study and Karrie-replanung. On Saturday and Sunday, competent hands at partner universities from the region and from the whole country, as well as from neighbouring European countries available at the booths to answer all questions the young be viewfinder to their courses. In addition, large and medium-sized companies present their aircrew training offer for high school graduates. A particular focus of course on the dual degree programmes. More background information s pretending abroad at the stands as well as in the framework programme on the subjects or while the Studies, Bachelor and masters degrees, place award and funding your studies.

The Landesstiftung Baden-Wurttemberg presents its new education network COA-CHING4FUTURE: shows at the booth a coaching team of young academics the promising-speaking professional perspectives of science and technology studies interested pupils, students and parents. The programme for the promotion of the next generation aims to inspire young people from Baden-Wurttemberg for the so-called MINT disciplines Ma theme, Informatics, natural sciences and technology and to provide information to the structure and content of individual courses. An extensive and exciting programme will take place on two days; Information is on the website of the event:. horizon in Stuttgart: 7th/8th March 2009, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart opening hours: Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 16 hours. Steven Holl has firm opinions on the matter. The admission is free.