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Pumps For Wells

Pumps for wells (deep-well pumps), ECV – a device for lifting water from artesian wells to supply industrial plants in the petrochemical, petroleum, food processing, ship-building of housing and communal areas for water supply of residential homes, cottage villages, whole areas of the city. (ECV – driven by a submersible motor, centrifugal, water). First Water-screw device invented by Archimedes (287-212 years. BC) scientist of antiquity. The rotating screw inside the tube, allowed to raise water to a small height (2 to 6 m), the total amount of water was about 10 cubic meters per hour. At that time, engineers were able to deduce the relationship between water supply and tilt rotor – increase in the slope increases the height of the screw feed and at the same time reduces productivity. Modern pumps for wells – are working on the same principle.

Lifting height increased to 350 meters, the maximum output – up to 375 cubic meters per hour. Distinguish pumps for wells ECV primarily on diamertu casing: 150 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm … There are certain rules for the installation of pumps for wells. Water should meet the following requirements: dry residue – 1500 mg / l (total amount of impurities. The value is determined by the evaporation of the sample), pH of the medium acidity (pH) – 9,5; mass fraction of solid solids – 0.01% total chloride – 350 mg / l, total sulphate content – 500 mg / l, total content of hydrogen sulphide – 1.5 mg / l, temperature – 35 C. Apparatus for water supply consists of a pump, submersible electric motor type, the cable conductive, water-lifting system pipes, wellhead and an automatic control system.

The company offers more than 70 Yuzhenergomash models deep-well pumps. All stages of the unit consist of cages, the removal of the blade, bronze or plastic impeller blades which act on the fluid. During operation, pump bearings smyzyvayutsya water. Strictly prohibited to operate the unit 'dry' – resulting in damage. All models have a valve Reverse ball or poppet type. This feature eliminates the reverse rotation of impellers at bus stops and retains water in the water-lifting pipe.