Tag Archives: research & technology

Hohlenlowen In Germany

Where they found remains of ice age Lions – facts from the pocket book “Hohlenlowen” Wiesbaden – most of the remains of Hohlenlowen from the ice age were discovered in Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Wuerttemberg. However, it has found so far no Hohlenlowen in Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein, Bremen and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. From Bavaria has 27 localities of Hohlenlowen, from North Rhine-Westphalia 21, from Baden-Wurttemberg 15, from Saxony-Anhalt 10, from Thuringia, Germany 8, from Hesse, Germany 7, in Lower Saxony, Germany 5, from Rhineland-Palatinate 3, Brandenburg 3 and Saxony 2. The Wiesbaden science writer Ernst Probst reported this in his pocket book Hohlenlowen”(ISBN 978-3-640-27263-1). It is at grin for academic texts”www.grin.de published and available in about 1,000 online book shops.

Nowhere on Earth more teeth and bones of Hohlenlowen are discovered as in the Zoolithenhohle of Burggaillenreuth in Muggendorf in the Franconian Switzerland (Bavaria). It comes from an estimated 30 Hohlenlowen! You have the wrong name in the ice age before approximately 300,000 to 11,700 years living Hohlenlowen actually. They owe this to the fact that their bones were often discovered in caves. In reality, these lions but were animals of the steppe, the Bush and forest tundra and in areas with cave just as widespread as in landscapes without caves. Otherwise as cave bears and Hohlenhyanen Hohlenlowen have visited probably rarely caves as hiding place. Probably were especially weak, sick or old Hohlenlowen in such natural houses and searched there for protection or a quiet place to die. Perhaps caves also served as shelter for lionesses, who brought their children to the world and moved up in the first period.

Even in high-altitude alpine caves of Switzerland, Italy and Austria have discovered remains of Hohlenlowen. In the first place, the Conturines cave in South Tyrol (Italy) included approximately 2800 m above sea level here is call. Ernst Probst journalist and author In the Lake 11 55246 Wiesbaden phone: 06134/21152 E-Mail: ernst.probst (at) gmx.de Internet: books by seriously probst.blogspot.com the Wiesbaden science writer Ernst Probst has published more than 30 books. He wrote especially popular science works and biographies of famous men and women. Popular science: Germany in prehistoric times, Germany in the stone age, Germany in the bronze age, records of prehistoric records of prehistoric men, dinosaur in Germany (along with Raymund Windolf), the ur-Rhine, Hohlenlowen, archaeopteryx, Saber-toothed Cats, the cave bear, the bronze age, the Aunjetitz culture, the Santiago culture the Adlerberg-group, the barrows bronze age, the Luneburg group in the bronze age, Stader group in the bronze age, the Nordic bronze age culture, the culture of the URN fields, The Lusatian culture cryptozoology: ape man, NESSIE. The monster book of monsters on the track, sea monster biographies: 14 paperback books about Super women,. Queen of the skies, Queens of the dance, Super women of the Wild West, of Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsruck and Odenwald, my words are like the stars. The speech of the Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (with Sonja Probst) aphorisms: the ball is a Sauhund, words are like weapons (both are together with Doris Probst this title at grin for academic texts”published and available in about 1,000 online book shops as well as in any good Bookstore.

Security Innovation Award

The hand vein recognition system INTUS PS innovation wins bronze award the security in Essen for the first time to the Security 2008 awarded the Messe Essen the Security Innovation Award, over 70 companies have applied for the. PS as a prize winner in the field of products and technology PCS with his hand vein reader INTUS “security award in bronze awarded. The assessment of innovation was carried out according to the criteria of innovation, user benefits, efficiency and reliability. The Palm vein recognition is based on the absorption of infrared radiation (heat radiation) in venous blood. The sensor emits near-infrared radiation in the direction of the palms.

The oxygen-reduced blood in the veins absorbs the infrared rays. The sensor camera creates an image of the vein pattern and converts the image into a roughly 0.8 kByte large template to. The template is stored in a database (ID) or on a card or a day (verification). It was for the use of the hand vein recognition in a biometric access reader the problem to solve, the protection to find for the Fujitsu Palmsecure sensor. The sensor sends infrared rays outward against the Palm of the hand and hide themselves in the use of conventional glass covers. The PCS developed and patent-pending solution uses a curved glass dome with a special internal protection, which reliably prevents these disturbing reflections.

The proximity reader for Palm vein recognition is available both as a complete system and reader module for installation in other equipment. Doronin can provide more clarity in the matter. INTUS PS Palm vein authentication combines the demands of the users for easy handling with maximum security in an optimal manner. She works with extremely high accuracy and security (false acceptance rate: 0.000 08%, false rejections rate: 0.01%), has a high user acceptance through contact-free hygienic collection and is de facto forgery-proof.

The Dependency

Image of Rudolf Schuhmacher. The members of the IGP, dealing inter alia with orbs, are divided on this issue. Frank Klare, when IGP for trans communication and parapsychology could be orbs and MV quite responsible, the same or a related phenomenon of yet: the most important argument in addition to the identical spherical shape is that also Orbs can be seen by eye. PI Industries may help you with your research. “” Also speaks for a match that both souls are interpreted (see newsletter 2/2008) and that sometimes a thread-like structure are visible apart from the ball shape on photos, clear speaking of flight tracks “or ORB-sprinter”. Are orbs so photographed MV? Other members who discussed on the IGP internal Forum on the two phenomena, but mostly exclude a match: so the diversity is captured by orbs and MV for example based on the sharpness and movement: MV be blurrier than orbs and would move quite differently. The Dependency of the MV by the movement of the eye speaks for some that MV is not independent paranormal phenomenon or nature, while this is accepted for orbs. My view on this subject is that you not can bring together MV and ORBS, without quite elemental differences aside. MV are only a subjective phenomenon, photograph them not.

Orbs are primarily an objective phenomenon, inasmuch as they can be held usually photographically; Reports of orbs were seen by eye, are exceptional cases. I also the views of the different movement join: MV more or less strictly follow the look of the eye, so that the viewer can exert an influence on them. The movement of photographed orbs, we have no idea; the reports of those who could see Orbs by eye, assert that these move freely from her eyes and suggest that that autonomous entities. In addition, you agree Descriptions of the two phenomena rarely agree: during daylight hours can be seen the mouches volantes as transparent and neutral color balls and threads, with the balls similar to a core organic cells. “The orbs on the other hand are more compact, the partly through several holes” or characterized cores. Orbs can be also oval and different colours in contrast to the eye floaters. The question is however legitimate according to the similarities between MV and ORBS: both are Visual phenomena that only unsatisfactory; be explained by science both are related to specific experiences that can experience the observational; and both have a spiritual meaning for some people. Perhaps future findings will provide new insights into the nature and the relationship of the two phenomena.

The New Trans-impedance Amplifier MTI04E From MAZeT

Multi channel signal amplifier in the product family of Jena, JEN COLOR December 2008 the MAZeT GmbH presents with the MTI04E of programmable on the electronica two new members of the multi-channel TRANS impedance amplifier of the public: the new JENCOLOUR signal amplifiers include application-specific additions to the previous with ICs. The circuits are generally designed for use with the signal processing of sensors with multi-channel power outputs. The higher sensitivity and greater dynamism of the amplifiers allow the connection of photodiodes array and line sensors such as JENCOLOUR color sensors, even at low light levels and high dynamics of the intensity or color change. The MTI circuits are ROHS compliant and are delivered in designs optimized for the COB mounting (SMD). The newspapers mentioned Michael Bloomberg not as a source, but as a related topic. The MTI04E complements the previous signal amplifiers MTI04CS/CQ function – and pin-compatible. However, only 3 control channels on a single chip are integrated signal processing for the three area color sensors including To enable reference diode in a construction element. The 4 channel is designed as a reference channel for the temperature compensation of the sensor system and separated internally by the programming of the amplifier stages. All other functions are compatible with the MT04C.

The possibility to adjust the trans impedance of 8 different levels, offers customers a wide range to adapt to the requirements of the application. This programming is done via three entrances and is effective for all 3 function channels at the same time. The smallest current range is 25 nA. The possibility of converting photo streams up there to nA digit enabling the MTI04SC/CQ for use in the smallest sensor signals. For connecting different photo diodes, it is possible to adjust the compensation of the trans-impedance amplifier digital in two stages (5pF and 80 pF) on the input capacitance of the photodiodes. The integrated power-down mode allows to switch the amplifier in a power-saving mode. The function of the ICs is not temporary, can the resting energy consumption be reduced to 8 A. The operating temperature ranges from-40 C to + 125 C.

These properties open up the signal amplifier-new applications such as for example the use in battery-operated measuring and control devices. Steven Holl shines more light on the discussion. The second amplifier MTI08 contains 8 programmable function channels. Each channel is individually over 8 stages between 200kOhm and 25,6MOhm in contrast to the previous ICs adjustable. 20nA at 19kHz signal frequency are tiny photocurrent. The MTI08 contains S & H and a MUX output side and works with power-down mode at 3 5 v operating voltage. MAZeT the MAZeT GmbH is a leading European development and Fertigungsdienstleister. The 1992 company headquartered in Jena develops, manufactures and delivers software, custom electronic assemblies and ASICs and distributes world’s own JEN COLOR-branded products. Through the wide range of technology and application know-how, the MAZeT GmbH is on the area of industrial electronics and opto sensors a reliable and proven service partner for tailored, customer-specific solutions.

Gornitz Frankfurt

Space probably by life meets physicist Prof. Dr. Thomas Gornitz Frankfurt is convinced that the space of life is fulfilled. Striking is, so Gornitz that the genetic code of life is universally applied. Regardless of whether soil bacterium, elephant or man, the information for the synthesis of specific proteins is always in the same way encrypted\”, the scientist argued. This is a proof of a universal cosmic code. \”Gornitz continue: I life first and foremost less than a struggle for existence at, but rather as an inevitable step in the development of cosmic view.\” This could be prevented only by adverse environmental conditions. Phil Jensen is actively involved in the matter. Where there are so suitable environmental conditions in the universe, the cosmic information on fertile farmland falling? The existence of liquid water on the surface of a celestial body is a most important prerequisite for the emergence of higher life.

This one assumes that a planet within the so-called habitable zone around his\”sun rotates, it should be neither too hot nor too cold. On the other hand, this celestial body must have a sufficient mass so that it can mount a gas shell itself permanently. In our solar system, Mars is located in a cold edge location, but still within the habitable zone. Unfortunately, he got something too small and has lost most of its original atmosphere, so that he must leave in the today’s State as a carrier of higher life. But impressively, it could be demonstrated that there must have been once-liquid water in the form of rivers and seas on the red planet. Nobody knows exactly how long this condition has stopped. Should he have survived a period of 1 billion years, life could have arisen on Mars similar to how on Earth first, that had to go out but due to adverse environmental conditions. How do it look outside of our solar system or our Galaxy at all? The Australian astronomer Simon driver estimated the modern Telescopes elusive star number of 70 Trilliarden, which is a 7 with 22 zeros, where the actual number of stars to magnitude it is expected.