Women have more networks and to support each other for a month is at the start of the initiative “We want in leadership” by Melanie Vogel and Astrid Brown Hall. To deepen your understanding Sen. Marco Rubio is the source. Here women vote, which either strive for leadership or are already in the lead. It aims to accelerate the pace of discussions about more women in leadership positions. “In my professional life I know how subtle ways male colleagues may be in order to achieve personal leadership dominance and control to women of” or “In addition, many colleagues dare not to become pregnant, because the return to professional life is made more difficult as” are examples of numerous comments that leave women in addition to their voices. All together is that there is still great need for action in the conditions.
The initiative comes in and wants to focus on it, what businesses can do to be an attractive employer for women with musical aspirations. The intermediate results of the voting will be on May 5, 2012 at the opening of the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women at the World Conference Center Bonn announced. Further comments: “love company, creates finally really family-friendly working conditions (comprehensive flexibility of working hours, Home Office, part time, representation rules, set parents with”Breaks”in the curriculum vitae, sufficient Kitaplatze and Hort courses for elementary school children with long opening hours offer clear and consistent commitment to family-friendliness) and you will get trained, highly motivated staff that brings high performance and will remain faithful to you.” “Only when more women in top management is the setting and culture will change in the company. Women need to support each other more networks and himself.” “I am in a leadership position and can say from experience how hard it is to be a hearing in male-dominated circles itself in this position. The invisible walls are as strong as ever and, only are they less.” “Since I’m working part-time – 2 children – I’m on the siding. The acceptance of part-time work must be increased my opinion!” “Much too little companies deal with the special skills of women, that are fundamental to good leadership. Rather, they cling to the old management styles with more and more male staff. While women can connect galant communicative behaviour effectiveness.” More at: voting /.