If you’re a student and you’re looking for your first job through an internship program I’ll show what should be the format of resume for beginners. Your resume is your letter of introduction to the world of work, is the way in how you sell. Learn more about this topic with the insights from pluto travel. It must be interesting, reflect your interests with clarity and allow the interviewer to have a first impression of the person who is behind the curriculum vitae. For even more details, read what texas children’s hospital says on the issue. In relation to the format and design of the curriculum vitae, will need to be considered: designing on computer. It uses standard format source, eg.
Arial 11 choose a discreet font color (black or dark blue) and white background. Select a clear and synthetic CV format. design your CV in format of A4 sheet. In relation to the content, you must include: your academic details: University, race, year, average of your grades, your career orientation. Please note that these data are those who will guide the interviewer in the selection process. your training does not University or additional knowledge must also be include: languages, seminars, computer, etc. Specifies a general objective of search: demonstrates your interest in an internship or training program.
includes your preferences in relation to other types of industries or firms: companies of FMCG, services, etc and the departmental areas that will be most interesting: commercial, financial, human resources, etc. is important to your areas of interest are related to your academic training. include updated photo either scanned or photographic film.